There are some real people in the world, and some who are pretend.


(a long time ago)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Rainy California and Sunny London

The above photo is what my apartment complex in San Jose looked like, just before I left, yuk.

Having arrived in London, I'm pleased to report that it is absolutely glorious here. It is not often this nice here and the ladies at reception at the hotel said it is forecasted to rain tomorrow. But, on the way that people in the UK do, everyone seems happy here and is making the most of it.

I'm off for a shower so wash the grime of 12 hours travelling, then to the beer garden next door.

Jetlagged, at the Campden Head.......

We went searching for one of those great "traditional" london pubs, and didn't have to walk far to find one. This pub actually had stonework with it's name "The Campden Head" and date. "1909". It had a notice outside it relating it's history. The upstairs was a woman's birth control clinic in the early days of the 20th century.

I was determined to stay awake until arund 9.oo pm last night and this is me around 7pm, looking pretty rough, but happy to be in a nice beer garden.

The rain has not turned up as forecasted, so I'm looking forward to the rest of the day.

London - April 16 2007

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Tom's blog about life in America as a Scottish person, appreciating and making music, politics, travel, my own philosophy and other stuff not easy to categorise.

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
I'm a 40 something Scottish person who lives in the USA. I'm also an aspiring part time musician and songwriter.

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