There are some real people in the world, and some who are pretend.


(a long time ago)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

No Mall Today - I hate the mall

I really hate shopping, except if it's for gadgets. I have taken months to get round to clothes shopping again, I had a big splurge of clothes shopping in May of last year - and the trousers I bought then are all beginning to fall to bits.

So, I decided to leave it yesterday, clearly avoidance - although I told myself it was a sensible move, as the shops would be quieter on a Sunday. Too right - they are closed! I forgot it was Easter Sunday. I can't remember what I did last Easter Sunday, obviously I didn't go down the shops. They were even still running a bus to the mall today, how odd - imagine spending an hour on the bus (American buses are very slow), only to get to a closed mall. I thought the parking lot was quiet today.

This is a pic of my nearest Mall, it is called Milpitas Mall, or The Great Mall of the Bay Area. I'm not so sure what is great about it.When I used to come to this area on business before I lived in America, I used to go up here a lot - it was something to do. But it is really a horrid place - it seems full of screaming children, packed with people. America seems to have so many shops, you can go to a huge mall like Milpitas Mall, and still find there are certain categories of shops, like a good hifi shop, just missing. I think they pump candy smells into the mall to wind up the children and the big restaurant has no food for vegetarians - this place has nothing going for it.

I try to get in and out of here as quick as I can. That was a record today, in terms of speed to get out - problem was, I didn't get in! So the trousers remain unbought, I think I will have to take some time out of work next week to go, as I want new trousers for my UK trip next week.

Well, at least I'm happy for the people that work there, they finally get a day off. I'm sure they work really hard and put up with all sorts of shit for bugger all money. I hope they are having fun, it's a sunny day, as ever, in the Bay Area.

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Tom's blog about life in America as a Scottish person, appreciating and making music, politics, travel, my own philosophy and other stuff not easy to categorise.

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
I'm a 40 something Scottish person who lives in the USA. I'm also an aspiring part time musician and songwriter.

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