There are some real people in the world, and some who are pretend.


(a long time ago)

Thursday, August 23, 2007


After all the work, I'm happy to say that is up and running and better than ever - even if I say so myself. It's amazing how a tiny little thing can mess you up at the last minute though. After pretty much three days solid working on the site, I took the plunge and deleted the old and uploaded the new. Of course it didn't work the first time. I hadn't realised that the web server at the hosting company was case sensitive. Every website needs a page called index.html in its root directory, or it won't work. My "Index.html" was the reason I had to spend 40 minutes on hold with the customer support people and the world had to do without my main website for a day and a half. It shoud have been small case "index.html" - computers, eh?
There has been some, very tentative, but very interesting, excited talk over the Kirkcaldy Bands e-mail about a possible one off reunion of one or more bands next summer. As a few band members, like me, live abroad from Kirkcaldy (imagine anyone wanting to do that), this is being planned on a long time horizon - so we are talking about next Summer. But I suppose it's been 20 years, so what's another year. If the website results in even one genuine reunion of a great band from the past, to me that'd be success beyond my wildest dreams, when this website was just a funny little idea in my head in early 2000.

Above is my favourite pic of me. It was taken during the happiest period of my life (so far, there may be another........) in late Summer 1985, in Oliver's in Kirkcaldy. My sister took this photo, I was 18 at the time. It was this jacket that I wore everywhere in 1985/6 and I wore this jacket and these sunglasses at out first gig. I still own the jacket, but didn't wear it much after 1986 and stuck it in a cupboard. In the early '90's I found it again and realised it's pockets were a funny little time capsule, stuffed with bus tickets, Bentley's party invites and other junk from the day. I think there may even be a little note that Pru, who I was secretly madly in love with in the summer of '85, wrote me.

If this one off gig comes off, I hope we can get our old band, The Surgical Wars, back together again. We'd have to be bottom of the bill, because were were shite - but it'd be fun to do it. I was just thinking that some of the children of the band members may be coming up to the ages were in the mid '80s. The jacket survives with it's time capsule pockets, contained in my Edinburgh storage locker - so I'll wear it again for the gig, if I can get into it. The sunglasses got nicked at out first gig. I think I must have taken them off between songs, so I could see the audience, put them on top of an amp, forgot about them, then of course they got nicked. The "battle of the bands" prize got nicked that day too. The 21st of February 1986 was an eventful day. Lets hope for another.

1 comment:

magnusmog said...

Blimey, Olivers, those were the best sandwiches in Kirkcaldy. Cool photo too :)

Tom's blog about life in America as a Scottish person, appreciating and making music, politics, travel, my own philosophy and other stuff not easy to categorise.

About Me

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
I'm a 40 something Scottish person who lives in the USA. I'm also an aspiring part time musician and songwriter.