There are some real people in the world, and some who are pretend.


(a long time ago)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Double Yuk, Not Amused

I've taken a rare day off sick today. It's been a funny day at Sun. I just got my biggest bonus ever and the company also announced further job cuts on the same day. They are "targeted job reductions" so it's not across the board, but the hint is that it'll effect our group. I'm pretty sure I'll survive this as I have the five or six other layoffs I've survived since 2001, but it's a rough old corporate world out there. No wonder most people worry about being off sick in this country. Personally, I just think it's a toss up between being sick for a week and being ineffectual at work as a result, and taking a day off, completely relaxing and getting your energy back, in the hopes of a speedier recovery - which seems to be coming.

So I've been passing the time with mindless web surfing and I just watched 3 episodes of Heroes on my iPod. George Takei and Chris Eccleston in the same episodes - targeted guest stars for the sci fi fans, or what? Having said that both were pretty good, Chris Eccleston especially, though it was funny to hear Mr Sulu finally speaking Japanese.

I also got some nice mails today from Julie Watt who was the singer in the Amused, as featured on the Kirkcaldybands website. She lives in Australia but says she still has her Ghost Train badge. I didn't know they even had badges.

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Tom's blog about life in America as a Scottish person, appreciating and making music, politics, travel, my own philosophy and other stuff not easy to categorise.

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
I'm a 40 something Scottish person who lives in the USA. I'm also an aspiring part time musician and songwriter.