There are some real people in the world, and some who are pretend.


(a long time ago)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Farewell Old Friend

This has been my only mobile phone (or cellphone as the Americans say), since January 2004. If I don't count the one that BT gave me in 1996, which was my only "company" phone, I have only owned five mobile phones, since 1998. I think that's not many, compared with most people. I'm particularly fond of this one. It was one of the first camera phones, and it seems like it is practically indestructible. I dropped this phone in Bangalore airport in India and I thought it was done for. The two parts to the cover split in two, the battery flew in one direction, the sim card in another. A nice Indian lady picked all the bits back together again for me, I put the phone back together again, and it worked first time! I then proceeded to drop it again and had to go through the whole routine again. I think I had to pick the bits up myself the second time, the nice Indian lady had given up on me by that time. But after being dropped and falling to bits twice, it worked again twice too!

I also like the fact that this was the same 'phone that Rose Tyler used in the first series of the new Doctor Who. Chris Eccleston's Doctor, did something really strange with Rose's phone, and enabled Rose to call her Mum through time, in episode 2. Mine is not that clever, I wish it was, there are loads of people I'd love to call in the past. John Lennon would be top of the list.

Nokia phones just seem to go on forever. I didn't realise how out of date this phone was getting, until I kept producing it in company in America, and people were laughing at it. It is only three years and 5 months old after all! That would be quite new, if it was a car.

So, the only reason I have upgraded it now though is the wonderful phenomenon of the 3 mega pixel camera phone. Imagine that, having, what was only a few years ago, a state of the art camera, in a phone. I've been having fun this evening, testing out the new phone. It really shows how powerful these multi function phones are, that I have not even heard it ring yet, but I took about 50 pictures with it the evening. It is so small, that you can just put it in your pocket - so you always have a phone. I had some spare time when I was back in the UK, and I was able to research the new phones. I'm just amazed at how much has changed in the best part of three and a half years, such functionality in such a small package.

Always having a phone, means I can record much more of my life, like......

This is the pint I had in the Mission this evening.

This is a rather surreal shot I took out of the train window this evening, it was meant to be the nice sunset, but there were too many reflections. It produced this rather surreal effect of a back to front train.

And this is the train I got home, at the station near my house. Now if this capability to take photos, more or less, all the time is not worth $320, I don't know what is!

The photo of my old phone was taken with my Leica, which is my regular compact camera.

Now, what else can I take pics of......

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Tom's blog about life in America as a Scottish person, appreciating and making music, politics, travel, my own philosophy and other stuff not easy to categorise.

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
I'm a 40 something Scottish person who lives in the USA. I'm also an aspiring part time musician and songwriter.